
Week 36:

Second grade started making Guatemalan Worry Dolls, and First graders created drawings based on the favorite spanish words they learned. 

Weeks 30-34:
First grade is almost done with their Me Gusta y No Me Gusta libros, and the second grade just finished their Mariposa Collages.

Muy bien!

Week 29:
Now that students are getting more comfortable expressing their likes and dislikes, we are starting our "Me Gusta No Me Gusta" book construction. We're eager to share these books with you, but they may not be complete until after Spring Break.

Week 28:
Revista- this week we reviewed everything we've been working on in Espanol. Here a student acts out a game of sherades- the students have to guess the verb they are acting out in Spanish.

Week 26:
Me gusta y no me gusta- We're just starting to talk in complete sentences. VERY EXCITING! Students are learning how to express their likes and dislikes.

Week 25: Revista
This week we reviewed our colors and numbers by making fortune tellers!

Week 24: Cartas
We finished our cartas for Senora Peters this week.

Week 23: Cartas
This week in Spanish we learned about writing Cartas. Students all wrote cartas (letters) to Mrs. Peters while she was in the hospital.

Week 22: Ya terminemos La Familia

We completed our unit on La Familia. Just as families come in all shapes and sizes, so to do our Family Trees.

Week 16-18: La Familia

We're learning about Abuelos, Hermanos y Padres en espanol. This approaching week I'm going to have the students create their own family tree, complete with primos y tios.

Week 15:

We finally completed our unit on color- the students painted the arcoiris to perfection.

Week 10-14: Los colores
We're learning about colors in spainsh, and there is a fantastic song on You Tube if you'd like to play it at home.

Week 11-13:

We have been learning the colors of the rainbow.

Week 10:
We finished up the alfabeto, learned our dias de la semana, and with the arrival of the new chicken eggs, I thought this Costa Rican children's song would be appropriate:

Los Pollitos Cancion

Los Pollitos dicen pio pio pio
Cuando tienen hambre
Cuando tienen frio
La gallina busca el maiz y el trigo
Les da la comida y les presta abrigo
Bajo sus dos alas, accurucaditos 
Hasta el otro dia, duermen los pollitos

The little chicks say pio, pio, pio
When they are hungry
When they are cold
The hen looks for corn and wheat
She gives them the food and keeps them warm
Under her two wings the huddle together
Until the next day, the little chicks sleep
Week 6: Sept 23
We continued to learn the Alfabeto, and we are getting very good at singing the cancion.

Week 5: Sept 16
Right now we are learning the spanish alphabet. It's very similar to the English alphabet and we seem to be picking it up very quickly.

If you would like to practice at home, here is a link to the song-

Week 3:

This week in Spanish we learned about all the different body parts. We are also learning the Cancion Aqui, where we sing all the different body parts. We will need to practice the song for another week, but we are getting good with the first part, "Donde esta su cabeza? Aqui, Donde esta su nariz? Aqui. Donde esta su mano? Aqui, aqui, aqui."

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