Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weeks 34 & 35

The past few weeks have been full of rich conversation and writing about how to save the Earth. A huge thank you to Mr. Wirth, Scooter's dad, for installing supportive structures for our summer garden. We also had a visit from Mr. Reduce from Planet Go Green, as well as Mr. Erick, who shared his musical instruments from all over the world.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Week 33: Symmetry Hunters

We started and ended the week with special treats from Mrs. Silverman. A huge thank you to Mrs. Silverman for making the most delicious fruit pops for both classes. That was the perfect treat at the beach! Again, thank you to Mrs. Silverman for making the most delicious kale chips. Also, many thanks to Mrs. Price for helping us walk to and from the beach. I always appreciate the extra hands on deck.

We had a busy week of learning and building. As we continue to do our research on habitats I was thinking about turning one of our garden beds into a butterfly garden. If anyone is willing to donate milkweed or any other type of plant it would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 32: Harvesting our garden

We got to harvest our garden this week, and what a surprise it was digging up our carrots. Yikes! A special thanks to Mrs. Silverman for volunteering to make Kale Chips for our class.

Week 31: Tree Hill!

The highlight of this week was Tree Hill. What an incredible experience this was and who knew this was in our back yard.